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Small Topical Studies
1 Corinthians 11:1-16 and the Meaning of Covered and Uncovered Heads
This page explains the meaning of 1 Corinthians 11:1-16
1 Corinthians 7- Marriage or Celibacy?
This study will answer the question of whether most believers can and should remain celibate (single) and whether it is always the better, superior choice over marriage. We will base our examination on Matthew 19:9-12 and 1 Corinthians 7.
1 John 5:16-17 and "Sin Leading to Death"
1 John 5:16-17 is a difficult passage to interpret and one that has confused many, including teachers. This study aims to explain the passage's meaning within bounds of the surrounding context. Once chapter five is properly understood, the interpretation offered in this writing should make sense and speak for itself.
Adultery- Matthew 5:27-30
We will interpret our two verses on adultery here. Again, there is more meaning and purpose behind this passage (much like most of the sermon on the mount) then what appears on the surface.
Believers and Jobs/Careers
This topic discusses how the workforce may/can/should relate to our ministry and relationship with God. There are many variables because all believers are called to different things.
Believers and Politics
Should the church pursue and involve itself in political democracy? Should believers involve themselves in politics? We will answer those questions here.
Benefits of Being Outdoors - Exercise and God’s Wonderful Creation
The title speaks for itself! We will examine the many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of being outdoors.
Christian Colleges and Universities
Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries have their advantages and disadvantages. This list contains advice and things to consider for the prospective attendee contemplating this choice.
Christians and Work Ethic
Believers are ambassadors of Christ and represent Him. Therefore, we need to allow our light to shine before men in everything we think, say, and do. Our work ethic can speak volumes! We should strive to give our very best in everything we do, and this study will discuss many of the reasons on why we should.
Church Programs
As written within the study itself, there is nothing wrong about having programs in the church. But the emphasis needs to be on the truth and helping others grow in it. There are many issues within them that need to be cleaned up so that many programs would either disappear or change forms if the Bible really became the central issue.
Communion is the only ritual the Bible commands us to practice today. Truth be told, there is a lot of confusion surrounding how, when, and where it should be done. What is communion about and what does it symbolize? We will answer all these questions and more in this examination.
Cults, False Teachers, and False Prophets
This page will examine the dangers, characteristics, and behaviors of cults, and false teachers and prophets. We will take a look at some of the "warning signs" to look out for.
Dealing with Family---Matthew 13:53-58
Family can bring the worst out of us so that it would be good to understand how to cope with those who may present a big challenge to our faith. This page deals with biblical principles that we can implent to help smooth the process out, even if family experiences are not always fun or easy to endure.
Demon Possession in our Modern Day and Satanic Attacks
A topic revolving around the questions of whether or not demon's still possess unbelievers today and how they may do so. But there is a difference between demonic attack and demonic possession. Believers can only be attacked, not possessed, as discusssed on this page.
Does the Bible Justify Denominations?
This page will answer whether denominations are the right approach for the church. The short and simple answer is that they are not.
Dreams and Visions in Our Modern Day
This page contains my views on whether dreams and visions still occur within and outside the church today. I believe it is possible, but there are other things stressed and addressed in this study. Experiences (whether true or false; satanic or from God) can be dangerous if mishandled.
Examples of Satanic Attack from Scripture
This survey briefly reviews some of the most prominent instances of major satanic/demonic attacks on the human race. The sole purpose of these assaults was to thwart God's plan by destroying the Messiah's physical bloodline and all of His spiritual seed. Also discussed --- there are different biblical characters mentioned throughout the old testament that symbolize the antichrist in their unbelief and wicked actions towards God's people, especially the Jews. We will briefly examine those in this paper as well.
Facing Martyrdom
There are certain ways that believers should and should not view giving up their lives for Jesus Christ. I discuss them on this page.
Faith, Hope, and Love - 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
Here I discuss how faith, hope, and love operate in the Christian life.
A writing containing some important points on fasting.
Giving, American Christianity, House Churches, and the Persecuted Church
The things listed in the title are commonly misunderstood, neglected, and overlooked. Since that is the case (and these matters are very important), we will say some things about each one of them that need to be emphasized.
How Should Believers View War? Is it Wrong to Kill in War?
The answers to the two questions in the title of this small topical study have some variables which we will address. Additionally, this page will take a look at some other things worth mentioning.
Imposter Syndrome
Believers don't need to feel like unqualified "phonies" as long as they're doing what the Lord wants them to do. Therefore, what we (and others) may think of ourselves in that regard matters little.
Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Law- Matthew 5:17-20
Matthew 5:17-20 is the heart of Jesus's message and explains why He came to earth behaving and teaching as He did. We will explain the meaning of these verses here.
Judging Others
How should believers judge others and how should they not judge? I answer these questions in this topic.
Letting Go of the Past
Believers must learn not to let any of their negative past experiences sour their present and future relationship with God and others. That is what this topic is about.
Living in the Present
It is imperative for believers to learn how to live in the moment of each and every passing day for reasons intimated by Matthew 6:34. This subject discusses the importance of doing so and the dangers of allowing worry and stress to override our spiritual senses.
Mourning Death and Other Reasons for Apostasy - Why Not to Give Up!
The believer will gain nothing abandoning their faith in Christ. This page will discuss some of the most common reasons for apostasy within the church. The most important decision for every Christian after getting saved is to remain in Jesus Christ through committed spiritual growth, progress, and production. The reasons to stay true to the faith are innumerable.
Murder- Matthew 5:21-26
Why did Jesus bring up these words? What is the meaning behind the issue of Murder? There is more to these verses than what appears on the surface. Read here to find out.
The following study lists some important points regarding prayer.
Quick and Simple Points on Angels
This page contains basic yet important information on Angels.
Reading our Bibles and Having our "Quiet Time" with God
What do we mean by the words "quiet time?" We will discuss that question here and mention that how we do it is not what matters. The important thing is that we strive to read our Bibles and pray everyday. But there are other things to consider as well which I mention in this writing.
Salt and Light- Matthew 5:13-16
All believers of every age are the salt and light of the world (and should always be striving to do better). We will explain what that means and what it doesn't mean in this section. In this specific context, Israel was not putting on a good witness (even though most Israelites were supposed to be believers but were not) because the majority were not actually saved and, thus, not producing (being the salt and light of the world) as they should have been. Our Lord exposes this problem with this teaching which we will examine here.
Should Christians be Competitive?
What do we mean by the word "competitive" and should believers have this mind set? This page will discuss these questions in detail.
Soul Sleep
Here we will debunk the false teachings of soul sleep.
Teacher Standards, Church Discipline, and Accountability Partners
Since teachers will receive a stricter judgment (James 3:1), what type of standards apply especially to them? We will present the answer to that question through the lens of 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Also, church discipline and accountabilty partners are unbiblical depending on what people mean by them. We will touch on a few important points with the sole purpose to steer the believer out of legalism.
Teaching Styles and Teacher Authority - Preparations for Pastor Teachers
There are various styles and approaches to teaching God's Word because there is no one size fits all. Likewise, the various preparations required to teach will vary from individual to individual because there is a division of labor among pastors. All believers are called to different things.
The Beatitudes- Matthew 5:3-12
The beatitudes explained; their specific meaning and interpretation as contrasted to the unregenerate state of the self-righteous (especially the Scribes and Pharisees). Jesus used these to help the nation of Israel see their poor spiritual state and need for a Savior through describing the opposite condition of one who lacks all the spiritual qualities He laid out. Those who trusted in themselves through trying to keep the Law for salvation needed to believe in Jesus to experience these blessings. Those who already had them should have rejoiced that their salvation rested in Christ alone. Despite some of these implications being only applicable to the Jews of those days, our Lord's words (like the rest of the sermon) still apply to believers today.
The False Teaching of the Imputation of Adam's Sin
This very brief page will refute and disprove the fallacy known as the "Imputation of Adam's Sin."
The Gift of Apologetics
A brief discussion on the gift of apologetics.
The Origin of False Religion - Genesis 4:1-7 and Satan's World System
A topic describing when false religion first began and the ensuing kingdom of darkness that Satan established after Adam and Eve's fall.
The Prosperity Gospel
Debunking the health and wealth gospel by examining what the Bible has to say about it.
The Rich Young Man and Wealth - Matthew 19:16-30
A subject involving the interpretation of Matthew 19:16-30
Training through Discipline - Don’t Despise it!
All believers will receive discipline throughout their lives. Therefore, this page will discuss why it is imperative to handle it as the Lord intends us to.
What About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel, and Those Who Never Reach Mental Maturity?
What is the eternal destiny for those who have never heard the gospel and the mentally handicapped? What about babies that die young? This page will address these issues.
Women Teachers
Women are not to "pasture" a local church congregation and this study will examine the biblical evidence for why this is. However, there are a few other things that need examination that this page will address.